After you have chosen a package you make a payment, after the payment you’ll return to this website and complete a registration page. This will then trigger an email which you use to login and start practicing.
Choose the right package that suites your requirements.
Securely make your payment via Paypal
Once you’ve made the payment you’ll be redirected to this website to complete a registration form.
Then you’ll receive your access link for the practice exams via the email address you used to register at Step 3. Click the link in the email & start practicing and we’ll mark them.
Contact us today. Topographical Training, SERU Training & Speaking & Listening Training.
Let’s Help You Get The Pass Mark you deserve for your PCO Licence Exams.
LPLC, London’s PCO Licence Centre, Bridge House (rear entrance), 1st Floor, 150 London Road, Barking IG11 8BB
Email :
Phone : 0203 780 1055
“ We’ll reply within 24 hours via email, or you can call us directly. Even better, why not hit the WhatsApp link and chat with us now. We’re always ready to assist. ”